Thursday, March 24, 2011


So I am a woman in a 12 step recovery program.. last night I jsut celebrated 4 years clean :O)
yay! I had this bright idea..since Im starting new things and following through.. I am going to publish a book.. about my trials and tribulations on the darker side of life.. along with starting a website and having 3 jobs..
hense YIKES somebody is going to be a very busy bee... so lookout world ... You are about to read the most disturbing non-fiction ever written.... A Million Little Pieces Ha ! We are getting down to the good stuff...might need a pen name of course ;O)
Time to get started!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

coco cake

my coconut cake...looking for finished pic


SOOO It is time today for me to Zumba, 4 classes 2 hours ;)
Did some lifting yesterday... had an IDEA for everyone
You should be taking some complex protiens if you want to get the most out of your workout.. and if you crave sweets like me then here is a great idea for another substitution.

Vanilla protein Powder
add cinnamon and pumpkin pie spice
mix with whatever you normally mix with and go!
it will really work.. tastes great ..creamy!
if you are at home..blend with a banana, ice skim milk and cinnamon ;)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

MY go to healthy treat!

Crave sweets like me???

Here is my number 1 any time of day decadent treat.


slice 1 whole banana
drizzle with all natural unproccessed honey
mix with a tablespoon of peanut butter (or any nut butter..preferably all natural)

sooo yummy!

my new favorite website.. caution this girl is sick!

check out zuzanas awesome daily workouts.. tahts why occasionaly I can indulge in sucks thigs..
I do enjoyo great food. but Itake my fitenss seriously.
Todays workout for you guys and gals is....

100 full squats
100push ups (girls try the full pushup as much as you can then switch to knees)
100 cruches (shoulders lift off floor)
50 pull ups on assist machine for girls
50 bicep curls with 12/15/or 20 for girls and 20/25/35 for boys
50 dips on assist machine or chair dips
100 squats

for time
beat 23.34

an ode to gorgonzola fondue


You will forever be implanted in my mind... Your garlic bread with gorgonzola fondue had our HEADS spinning out of control. My best firend and I took one bite.. looked up at eachother with some kind of amaizment..
toe toasty butter curnchy bread we determiined must have been fried in a pan of garlic butter on all sides... it was garlicy buttery through and through with a significant crunch.. I think at this moment Im getting hot  flashes just thinking about it.
Next..the sweet potent creamy gorgonzola fondue.. was the perfect accompanyment.. we lapped up the sides of the plate~ and devoured everybit of the bean sprounts in under 4 minutes.. (2 fit healthy out if you see us come in your doors)Imsorry to say the rest of our meal could not hold up to that appetizer.. The burger was good enough.. but I can make a better burger.. (LAura's Happy cow beef..yummy)
I have also heard kind words about your calimari..
I would go back for that app..maybe the calimari
SKip the pobester roll..which by the way..should be sauteed in butter.. put on a bun simiar to that bread.. topped with something fresh and crunchy and call it a day..
I wont tell you what would be on my menu.. but it would be devoured rather than left to take home and proably not eat.
BUt I will end on the garlic bread... I will be back for you.. and bring a camera.. to show a pciture of your tower of loveliness..
until then

  1. Now I will go do a killer workout ! to stay fitandfun :O)